Supplies List

I don’t want to bog you down in art supplies, I would prefer to keep this as fun and pressure-free as possible. The only things you


  • Sketchbook
  • Pen or Pencil
  • Good Attitude

Having said that, I’m still going to give you a list (approximately) of what I will be using and what you will likely want to have so that you can play round with different methods. These tools will allow you to play and try things you may not have done otherwise.

Sketchbook – Moleskine Classic Notebook – You may also want to pick up something that takes watercolor paint better than this, but this is perfect for drawing in general and tells everyone HEY I AM SUPER SERIOUS ARTING HERE.

Pens – Sakura 30062 6-Piece Pigma Micron Ink Pen Set, Black – My favorite pens for drawing.

Pencils – Staedtler Lumograph Graphite Drawing and Sketching Pencils – As a lefty who drags his hand all over the drawing, I prefer a hard (H) pencil that won’t smudge as much, but there are lots of options in this set. Any pencil will do at the end of the day so don’t sweat this much.

Watercolor Paint – Winsor & Newton Cotman Water Color Field Box Set of 12 Half Pans – Should give you enough to play with.

Colored Pencils – 72-color Raffine Marco Fine Art Colored Pencils – Definitely the coolest set of watercolor pencils I have seen so far but again, any will do.

Paint Brushes – yohino 13 Piece Multi Purpose Paint Brush Set – You can go down a crazy rabbit hole of buying expensive brushes, but for now let’s keep it as simple as broad as we can. You can always invest in better materials later as you grow.

CARRYING CASE – I use something resembling the ArtBin 3003AB Solutions Box, as it is small and easy to lug around, but the main thing you need to protect is the paint brushes as you travel. However you want o do that is fine.

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